By Her Excellency Toyin Saraki Midwives have played an invaluable role in women’s health for over 2000 years, with references to midwives even included in the Bible. As support for the profession grew, and training became formalised over time, the medical skills of midwives have grown significantly. Skilled midwives now have the training, knowledge and potential to provide expert advice to pregnant women about their health and the health of their child — both during and after pregnancy. This year is one of great importance for the international community as we make the transition from the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This pivotal year for international development is also crucial for the direction of midwifery, as I firmly believe that midwives will play a key role in the achievement of SDG 3 — to ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages. Midwifery in the sustainable development era As the Global Goodwill Ambassador for the International Confederation of Midwives (ICM), the journey of the midwifery profession and midwives around the world is exceptionally important to me. As ICM Global Goodwill Ambassador, I seek to ensure that the voice of midwives is heard on international stages, such as the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA). This September at the 70th UNGA in New York, I amplified the voice of midwives globally, speaking of the incomparable impact that midwives can have in overcoming social determinants of health, protecting pregnant migrants and refugees, and providing antenatal […]
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